segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2007

Cartão pocket para desafio do Daring Cardmakers/ Pocket card for the Daring card Makers challenge

Este é o meu cartão para o desafio "pockets" do blog Daring card makers.

This is my entry for the Daring card Makers pockets challenge.

13 comentários:

Alhambra Club disse...

Love the paper and colors, great pocket card.

Kathy disse...

Firstly, welcome to the Daring Cardmakers Marcia, it's lovely to have you joining in.
This card is great, I love the little folded-back flap for the pocket - I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work now!

Andrea, disse...

Brilliant card, love the papers you have used.

Jo Capper-Sandon disse...

Fabulous colours!

Di disse...

I like your card. It's unusual and very different from the others.


Cheryl disse...

Oh Marcia, this is so beautiful! Clever card and lovely colors!

Lynne disse...

Welcome to Daring card makers Marcia. Love the funky & bright colours on your card. Thank you for joining the fun with my first dare.

Lythan disse...

Welcome to the Dares Marcia. Your card is so bright and pretty and I love the little flap

mum-on-the-run disse...

Great card, I love it!!

Great take on the challenge :)

Julia Cotrim disse...

Oi Marcia, conhecí seu blog hoje. Tá muito lindo! Que saudades de você! Beijos carinhosos e parabéns pelo seus trabalhos que estão de+.

Anice disse...

I love the papers and the colours you have chosen. Lovely card.

Wendy - Anntaurus disse...

Such a bright cheery card - fabulous!

LilianPacheco disse...

oi Marcia, tudo bom?
Adoro seus trabalhos, sempre tão delicados e suaves!